Stewart and Angie Cox, Founders of Cox Cleaning

Use the form below to request your free cleaning estimate in Denton County:

(We receive & read all submissions sent through this form within a few business hours)

We will follow up with you as soon as we receive your submission!

If you have any questions about requesting a free cleaning estimate, you can always contact Cox Cleaning directly (see below)!

Speak with Cox Cleaning today

You can always call Cox Cleaning directly to chat with us about any questions you have. 

Our phone number is: 972.355.5100

We are available to speak with you Monday through Friday, from 8AM to 4PM (CST)

Email Cox Cleaning

Our company’s main email address is: 

We will respond to your inquiry as soon as we receive it!

Cox Cleaning is based in Flower Mound

Please call or email us to schedule your appointment to see us!